Brands | Iubenda Quantities | Cookies | Ingredients | Revenues |
Register | 530 | 25 | 151,42 | 13016€ |
team.blue ES | 139 | 23 | 139 | 3995 |
Amen FR | 183 | 30 | 183 | 4376€ |
team.blue PT | 108 | 18 | 108 | 1936€ |
Contest Rules
The contest begins on 19/02/2024 and ends on 11/03/2024 18/03/2024 include.
All individuals from Customer Care, Sales, and Marketing of Register, team.blue Spain, Amen.fr, and team.blue Portugal are participating.
How to win cookies?
The first step is to obtain all the ingredients to make the cookie: flour, chocolate, milk, sugar, egg, and salt.
Ingredients are obtained by selling Iubenda packs.
All orders for Iubenda packs accepted by the customer will be considered, and it is not necessary for them to be invoiced.
Who wins the contest?
The company that bakes the most cookies will be the winner of the prestigious title "The Best Cookies in SEU" and the top seller of Iubendas in Southern Europe. 🏆
In addition to this great recognition, each individual will win 10 points. These points will accumulate throughout the year with each victory in the contests.
At the end of the year, the person with the highest accumulated points will receive a fabulous prize that will be revealed soon. Likewise, prizes will be awarded to the next 9 individuals with the highest scores. Stay tuned for more details!
In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the total amount of revenue generated. In this case, the company that has earned the highest profits will be declared the winner.
All rights reserved / team blue