

  • 1st challenge - Pace & Momentum

    Tuesday, June 25th to Monday, July 1st

    In this challenge, you must envision how team blue will be in 20 years, using any form of representation you choose. Show your vision of the future and how team blue's values will remain strong and evolve over time.

    Challenge Rules:

    Form of Representation:

    You can choose any medium to represent your vision of the future. Some options can include:

    ·        Video: A short film or animation.

    ·        Presentation: Using tools like PowerPoint or Prezi.

    ·        Illustration: A comic, poster, or series of drawings.

    ·        Written: An essay, story, or poem.

    ·        Multimedia: A combination of several forms, such as an interactive website or an app.


    Your representation should depict how you imagine team blue will be in 20 years. Consider technological advancements, changes in work culture, and how team blue will adapt and thrive in the future.

    Duration and Length:

    ·        If you choose a video, it should be no longer than 3 minutes.

    ·        Presentations should contain a maximum of 10 slides.

    ·        Written texts should not exceed 1500 words.

    ·        Illustrations should be in digital format.

    Originality and Creativity:

    Originality and creativity will be highly valued. Be innovative and unique in your representations. All work must be original and created by team members. Plagiarism is not allowed.


    If the challenge is completed with the participation of all team members, the team will earn an additional point. Each member must have a role and contribute significantly. Team members who are on vacation will be counted as if they actively participated.


    The deadline for this challenge is next Monday, July 1st at 12:00 noon (11:00 PT). Submissions must be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue. Make sure to include your team name and the names of all participating members (including those on vacation) in the final presentation, as well as each member's role.


    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of SEU Champions. Evaluation criteria include: Creativity, Originality, Representation of Team Blue Values, Team Collaboration, Presentation Quality.

    Points to Earn in this Challenge:

    ·        The team that submits first will earn 1 point.

    ·        If the proposal is complete, it will earn 1 point.

    ·        If all team members participate, the team will earn 5 point.

    ·        The 5 teams with the most original and creative proposals will earn 10 points.

    For this challenge you can earn 17 points.

  • 2nd challenge - Trusted collaboration

    "Trusted Collaboration" - Imagine the perfect work desk table for us

    Monday, Jully 1st to Monday, July 8th

    In this challenge, you have to create a work desk table collage with photos of parts of the desks of each team member, show us your idea of the perfect work desk table and how the value of Trusted Collaboration fits in.

    Challenge Rules:

    Form of Representation:

    Each member of the team has to take a photo of a specific part of their work desk table, photograph specific elements on their desks that represent these concepts, such as:

    - Work Tools: Reference books, Computers, programs or websites used as training support, Notebooks/notes/agendas with training notes;

    - Symbols of Collaboration and Teamwork: Photos of inter-team meetings or brainstorming sessions, Headsets, Phone support applications;

    - Elements that represent our brands: Objects that reflect the company's identity, awards or certificates for business achievements,  decorations that symbolize the company's culture, such as motivational posters or company slogans.

    - Personal objects that inspire: Personal items that inspire, such as family photos, plants or souvenirs, writing materials, pens or gadgets.


    Your collage has to show how it is the perfect desk to reflect a space of trusted collaboration in a very different perspective. With this collage we want to capture the significant details.


    To consider:

    ·        A single collage, with no limit on the number of photos, as long as we can view each image in good quality.

    ·        Illustrations should be in digital format.


    Originality and Creativity:

    Originality and creativity will be highly valued. Be innovative and unique in your representations. All work must be original and created by team members. Plagiarism is not allowed.

    You can use artificial intelligence to complement your collage, but real photos must be included in the composition.



    If the challenge is completed with the participation of all team members, the team will earn an additional point. Each member must have a role and contribute significantly. Team members who are on vacation will be counted as if they actively participated.



    The deadline for this challenge is next Monday, July 8th at 12:00 noon (11:00 PT). Submissions must be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue. Make sure to include your team name and the names of all participating members (including those on vacation) in the final presentation, as well as each member's role.



    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of SEU Champions. Evaluation criteria include: Creativity, Originality, Representation of Team Blue Values, Team Collaboration, Presentation Quality.


    Points to Earn in this Challenge:

    ·        The team that submits first will earn 1 point.

    ·        The team can earn 3 points for each specific element that represent this concepts (Total 12 points):

    Work Tools

    Symbols of Collaboration and Teamwork

    Elements that represent our brands

    Personal objects that inspire

    ·        If all team members participate, the team will earn 4 points.


    For this challenge you can earn 17 points.


    Be creative, collaborative and surprising! Good luck to all! 

  • 3rd challenge - Respect

    "Respect" - Let’s get musical!

    Monday, Jully 8th to Monday, July 15th

    Each team must write and create a short song we suggest you can use Suno AI tool, the lyrics of the song must represent the value of Respect as members of team blue (psst! you can check our page https://team.blue/our-values/ for inspiration 😊 ).

    Small guides to use Suno: https://suno-ai.notion.site/FAQs-b72601b96de44e5cacd2cd6baa985448#6cc8c3aeaf944a8a8e9a0f4da3afb54b or https://suno.com/song/6abf3bc9-3cf8-4e25-a981-7d460f2ef9fa

    Note you will have to register to be able to use this tool (at least one member of the group should do this to be able to create and share the songs)

    Challenge Rules:  

    Title and lyrics:

    - Each song must have a Title and lyrics.

    - Lyrics must talk about our core Value, Respect, of course, we are respectful with our coworkers and clients, but also with the environment and our surroundings. The lyrics for the songs can focus any or all these aspects of Respect.

    Sharing and choosing the song:

    - The song for each team must be sent to the contact email olympics@seuokr.blue

    - It is ok if you just send the link and lyrics, but if you personalize the email, adding themed images/references you will get better results on the evaluation, maybe even a small video clip for the song.

    Originality and Creativity:

    Originality and creativity will be highly valued. Be innovative and unique in your representations. All work must be original and created by team members. Plagiarism is not allowed.



    If the challenge is completed with the participation of all team members, the team will earn an additional point. Each member must have a role and contribute significantly. Team members who are on vacation will be counted as if they actively participated.



    The deadline for this challenge is next Monday, July 15th at 12:00 noon (11:00 PT). Submissions must be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue. Make sure to include your team name and the names of all participating members (including those on vacation) in the final presentation, as well as each member's role.



    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of SEU Champions. Evaluation criteria include: Creativity, Originality, Representation of Team Blue Values, Team Collaboration, Presentation Quality.


    Points to Earn in this Challenge:

    ·        The team that submits first will earn 1 point.

    ·        The team can earn 3 points for each specific element that represent this concepts (Total 15 points):

    Title and lyrics originality

    Lyrics must talk about our team blue value: Respect 

    Sense of rhythm and metrics

    Create an album cover 

                    Make a video clip to present the song 

    ·        If all team members participate, the team will earn 1 points.


    For this challenge you can earn 17 points.

  • 4th challenge - Customer First

    "Customer First" - Creating a Detailed Customer Profile

    Monday, July 15th to Monday, July 22th

    In this challenge, you have to select one of four real tickets handled by our SEU customer service team and create a detailed profile “persona profile” or “buyer persona”* of the customer. 

    A "profile persona," also known as a "buyer persona" or "customer persona," is a semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer based on market research and real data about existing customers. It is used in marketing to better understand and target potential customers by capturing key characteristics, behaviors, motivations, and challenges.

    Here you have some reference and examples Hubspot and Hotjar.

    Challenge Rules:

    Form of Representation:

    • Each team must choose one of the four provided real customer tickets to decide the one to work on it.
    • Based on the information in the ticket, create a detailed and comprehensive persona profile or buyer persona, including:

          • Name

          • Gender

          • Age

          • Employment Status

          • Goals

          • Frustrations

          • Motivations

          • Trusted brands

          • Life style

    • Be innovative and unique in your representations.


    Your profile must be detailed and capture the essence of the customer based on the ticket information. Creativity and the ability to empathize with the customer are key elements.

    To consider:

    • Each profile should be presented in a digital format.
    • The profiles should be unique and based on the information from the chosen ticket.
    • Originality and creativity will be highly valued. 


    In this challenge, 1 point will be awarded for each person in the group who has actively participated. The list of participants must be provided by the captain in the response email.


    The deadline for this challenge is next Monday, July 22th at 12:00 noon (11:00 PT). Submissions must be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue. 

    Make sure to include your team name and the names of all participating members (including those on vacation) in the final presentation, the chosen ticket, as well as each member's role.


    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of SEU Judges. Evaluation criteria include: Creativity, Originality, Customer first value, Team Collaboration, Presentation Quality.

    Points to Earn in this Challenge:

    • The team that submits first will earn 1 point.
    • The team can earn 2 points for each detailed customer profile element (Total 12 points):

             - Presentation : Name, Gender, Age, Employment Status

            - Goals : What they aim to achieve (personal and professional goals).

            - Values: Core beliefs and values that influence decisions.

            - Motivations : Factors that drive their actions and decisions.

            - Live style: Daily habits, social behavior, and activities

            - Trusted Brands: 

    • Judges extra 4 points for the most creative and original proposals

    Be creative, empathetic, and detailed! 

    Good luck to all!

  • 5th challenge - Openness

    "Openness" - Open-mindedness and culinary curiosity

    Monday, July 22nd to Monday, July 29th

    In this challenge the idea is to celebrate cultural diversity through food, bringing together people of different nationalities in a unique and collaborative experience. 

    Food is an essential part of our cultural identity and a powerful tool to build bridges between people that allow us to open our minds.

    Contest Objective

    Each team will have to virtually design and prepare (with the possibility of actually cooking it) a dish using (mandatory) one or more typical ingredients from each of the four nations represented in the team: Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal.

    General Rules

    1. Ingredients:

    • Each dish must contain at least one or more typical ingredients from each of the four nations (chosen by the teams).

    • The ingredients and the nationality of the ingredients must be clearly identified in the description of the dish

    2. Preparation of the Dish:

    • The result of the dish will be mainly virtual and in digital format.

    • Anyone who wishes can also actually cook the dish. Teams that provide photos or videos of the preparation and the finished dish will receive extra points.

    3. Presentation:

    Each team must present their dish via a virtual/digital presentation. The presentation must include:

    • Name of the dish (try to be creative)

    • List of ingredients used, specifying the nationalities of origin

    • Preparation procedure

    • Photo or video of the prepared dish

    • A short description of the proposed dish and why the team chose these ingredients and how they complement each other.


    Evaluation criteria will include:

    • Creativity and originality of the dish

    • Presentation and clarity of the recipe

    • Extra points for those who actually cooked the dish

    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of SEU judges. Judging criteria include: Creativity, Originality, Value of work proposed, Team collaboration, Quality of presentation.

    Points to Earn in this Challenge:

    • The team that submits first will earn 1 point.

    • The team can earn the following points for each detailed (Total 12 points):

    • Presentation: a good photo of plating presentation (you can also use AI) - 3 points

    • Ingredients: list of mandatory ingredients used by country (at least one ingredient per country: Italy, Spain, France and Portugal) - 2 points

    • Title: Title of the dish being prepared (like in Master Chef) - 2 points

    • Recipe and description: all the ingredients, quantities and description of the dish being prepared (like in Master Chef) - 3 points

    • Photo or Video: Photo or video of the dish actually cooked - 2 points

    • Judges extra 4 points for the most creative and original proposals

    You can earn a total of 17 points for this challenge.


    1 point will be awarded to each person in the group who actively participated in the challenge. The list of participants must be provided by the captain in the email.


    The deadline for this challenge is next Monday, July 29th at 12:00 PM (11:00 AM PT). Submissions should be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue.

    Be sure to include your team name, the names of all participating members (including those on vacation), and each member's role in the challenge.

    Be creative, empathetic, and detailed! Good luck to everyone!

Challenges Results

  • Our vision of Team Blue in the year 2044.

    Pace & Momentum

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • 1 - Flames

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    1 - Flames
  • 2- Fight Club

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    2- Fight Club
  • 3- Ring Masters

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    3- Ring Masters
  • 4- Seupreme

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • 5- The Gauls

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    5- The Gauls
  • 6- Hercules Hosterz

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    6- Hercules Hosterz
  • 7 - The Dreamers

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    7 - The Dreamers
  • 8- Rocket Team

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí

    8- Rocket Team
  • 9- Byte Runners

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    9- Byte Runners
  • 10- Dream Unicorn Team

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    10- Dream Unicorn Team
  • 11- Mediterranean Mavericks

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    11- Mediterranean Mavericks
  • 12- Goats of SEU

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    12- Goats of SEU
  • 13- The 13 Golden Ones

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    13- The 13 Golden Ones
  • 14- Web Rebels

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    14- Web Rebels
  • 15- Team Solaris

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    15- Team Solaris
  • 16- Olympics team

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    16- Olympics team
  • 17 - United for gold

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    17 - United for gold
  • Trusted Collaboration

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    01 Flames team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    3- Ring Masters
  • 4- Seupreme

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    4- Seupreme
  • 5- The Gauls

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    5- The Gauls
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    6- Hercules Hosterz
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    7 - The Dreamers
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    8- Rocket Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    9- Byte Runners
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    10- Dream Unicorn Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    11- Mediterranean Mavericks
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    12 Goats of SEU
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    13- The 13 Golden Ones
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    14- Web Rebels
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    15- Team Solaris
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    16- Olympics team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    17 - United for gold
  • Respect

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    1- Flames
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    2 - Fight club
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    3 - Ring Masters
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    4 - Seupreme
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    5 -The Gauls
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    6 - Hercules Hosterz
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    7 - Dreamers
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    4 - Rocket team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    9 - Byte Runners
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    10 Dream Unicorn Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    11 - Mediterranean Mavericks
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    12 - Goats of SEU
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    13 - The 13 golden ones
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    14 - Web Rebels
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    15 - Team Solaris
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    16 - Olympics team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    17 - United for gold
  • Customer First

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    1 - Flames
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    3 - Ring Masters
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    4 - SEUpreme
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    5 - The Gauls
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    6- Hercules Hosterz
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    7 - The Dreamers
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    9- Byte Runners
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    10- Dream Unicorn Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    11- Mediterranean Mavericks
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    12- Goats of SEU
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    14 -Web Rebels
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    16 - Olympics Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    17 - United for gold
  • Openness

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
  • 1 Flames

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    1 - Flames
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    3- Ring Masters
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    4- SEUpreme
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    5- The Gauls
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    6- Hercules Hosterz
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    7- The dreamers
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    9- Byte runners
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    10- Dream Unicorn team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    11- Mediterranean Maverics
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    12- The Goats of SEU
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    13- The golden 13 ones
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    14- Web rebels
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    15- Solaris
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    16- Olympics Team
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    15- United for gold
  • Título de diapositiva

    Escriba su subtítulo aquí
    Closing Ceremony

Challenges score

Challenges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Team definition 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
Pace and momentum 14 0 10 8 14 24 19 3 20 14 8 23 24 14 14 7 8
Trusted collaboration 22 0 25 25 24 25 21 13 23 25 18 26 19 5 16 18 19
Respect 13 10 15 19 21 19 25 11 22 29 21 29 28 23 16 19 21
Customer first 24 0 17 16 21 14 19 0 26 22 19 26 0 14 0 13 19
Openness 15 0 17 13 27 19 16 0 28 28 7 28 11 18 17 17 21
TOTAL POINTS 91 13 87 84 110 104 103 30 122 121 76 135 85 77 66 77 92

SEU Olympic Teams

1 - Flames 2- Fight Club 3- Ring Masters 4- Seupreme 5- The Gauls 6- Hercules Hosterz
Lucia Cazurro Baeza Tiziana Rocca Giuditta Giovanardi Damien Silva Luz Simone Palumbo Daniel Dekoker
Alexandra Floro Ana Sofia Aranha Karmoun Claire Florencio Dos Santos Gweydson Ned Da Vera Cruz Santana Clementine Balaya Gouraya Barbara Lazzaroni
Catarina Lobo Fábio Figueiredo Sonia Pereira Liliana Sofia Lima Lourenço Susana Louro Nunes dos Reis Neves Ingrid Brito Rodrigues
Simão Leal Carla Gerardo Ana Sofia Marques Rodrigues Gonçalo Lopes Andre Filipe Correia Madeira Sergio Silva Alegre
João Leite Rui Tiago Silva Alexandre Cortegaça Marc Bautista João Ribeiro Montse Álvarez
Mònica Perera Lorente Desiree Lopez Rodriguez Irene Martina Cabo Aranzazu Fernandez Colomina Sergio Mora Cantero Laura García
Eric Lopez Maestro Victor Fernandez Marta Callejo Navarro Vania Ferreira Pau Breto Bruno Pombas
Inês Monteiro Monica Moral Mariana Loureiro Vanessa Lopes Joana Alves Moreira Irene Pombas
Andrea Di Venosa Pedro Santos Andreia Pereira Carla Costanzo Luis Bessa Elena Previtali
Eliseo Romagnolo Simone Gallinaro Pierpaolo Raimondi Nives Tade’ Marco Bogliotti Lorenzo Marello
Veronica Febbi Alessandra De Juliis Stanislao Cuzzocrea Renate Buttinger Laura Bini Elisabetta Cavallo
Arturo Buscemi Greta Belotti Roberto Albani Martina Mangili Cristina Marciali Naima Zejli
Fernando Albarracin Aguirre Francesc Olaso Irene Pujol Marta Perez Perez Monica Sorribas Ana Grego
7 - The Dreamers 8- Rocket Team 9- Byte Runners 10- Dream Unicorn Team 11- Mediterranean Mavericks 12- Goats of SEU
Alicia Vaquero Parrilla Helena Alves Marta Colás Chacón Hugo Barata Liliana Lourencinho Sandra Vale
Jean-Claude Pascal Kouane Kouassi Jeronimo Pernas Lopez Léccio Rocha Jorge Fuentes Barra Marion Maire Melanie Romand
Isabel Maria Da Silva Braz Angelo José Rodrigues Paulo Sousa Luis Navalho Marlene Neves Paula Barbosa
Bruno Candeias Nuno Vieira Sonia Vaz Carina Afonso Pedro Lopes Carlos Cerqueira
Ana Filipa Custodio Elena Borja Jana Illa Ana Carina Peña Espinosa Montserrat Herrero Tatiana Santos Charraz
Francesc Benavent Cusi Berta Bernal Pujol Jonny Anastacio Layla Errachidi Pol Porta Jehú Murillo
Miguel Silva Rui Gato Crisalda Gonçalves Marlene Serrano Sandra Cristina de Araújo Aguiar Gabriel Linares Santonja
André Justino dos Santos Rafael Maia Virginia Cardinale Immacolata Basile Amanda Schena Pamela Bonacina
Rares Ardeleanu Vincenzo Riccio Chiara Zanchi Gianluca Carrara Antonio Natale Laura Bozzi
Claudia Tinaglia Simona Verzeri Pamela Gritti Fandra Alberici Alessandro Ceccotti Raffaello Secomandi
Alessandro Mauri Sara Rigoldi Michele Spina Claudia Storani Federica Propersi Marianna Cortoni
Silvia Mazzanti Nicoletta Nespoli Manale El Fanniche Giuseppina Pitta Sofia Mazzoli Giorgio Fattori
Roser Porta Sanfeliu Sil Mellado Manuela Becerra Alessia Tonelli Cristian Romano Francesco Nozari
Valerio Ferrero Helena Bassi
13 The 13 Golden Ones 14- Web Rebels 15- Team Solaris 16- Olympics team 17 - United for gold
Alazne Lete Urrutia Francesco Bonacina Davinia Enrich Rebeca Saavedra Diaz Elisa Consigli
Mike Marzo Shirley Laurent Stéphane Galette Yoann Vuarier Ângela Dias Cândido
Ana Castanho Pedro Francisco Picado Ana Pires Ricardo Paiva Adriana Godinho
Rita Coutinho Diogo Fernandes Rodrigo Soares Edgar Antonio Sandra Serra Sena
Alba Lozano Alvarez David Polo Gianluca Guerrato Anna Cardona Muñoz Julia Vazquez Alvarez
Enrique Carrillo Vega Victor Baches Maria Hernandez Jimenez Grazielle Reis David Pastor Lopez
Leticia Pilar Rodriguez Menzer Mercedes Tost Fabra Mònica Alías Francesca Grillo Vanda Lopes Silva
Susana Dias Dinis Mourão Tatiana Matos Geraldine Rossi Daniele Perego
Rabihane Buthi Lorenzo Lodi Samira Naamane Santo Dario Ricciardi Giorgia Brugali
Concetta Savio Antony Cortinovis Laura Massaro Fabiola Arioli Michela Cortinovis
Maria Cecilia Brancucci Gabriele Picchiani Danilo Rota Elisa Martínez Eva Rodríguez Ramos
Laura Giuseppina Romero Fratini Ambar Amelia Ceballos Peña Selena Quartanelli Sónia Novais Luísa Figueiredo
Safwen Sammouda Sofia Tiraboschi Sónia Ferreira Nuno Matias Ruben Pandolfi

SEU Olympic rules

On the morning of June 25, 2024, the members of Team Blue SEU will gather for a special event in a grand stadium. The ancient Olympic rings, symbols of unity and excellence, will shine brightly at the center of the arena to kick off a series of extraordinary challenges. Each ring, representing one of Team Blue's core values, will guide the teams through tasks that will test their creativity, collaboration, and dedication.

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the SEU Olympics, an exciting competition designed to strengthen the bonds among our brands and Team Blue, as well as among all SEU colleagues. This competition will embody the noble values that define us: Openness, Customer First, Respect, Trustworthy Collaboration, and Rhythm and Momentum.

Competition Organization:

To tackle these Olympic challenges, we will form 15 teams of 13 people each and 2 teams of 14 people each, comprised of members from all brands.

You can find the teams at https://www.seuokr.blue/seuolympics. The first person on the list of each team is the team captain, who will create a Slack channel for team communication and will submit the challenge results by mail to the judges. If the captain is on vacation the team can name another captain and notify the change to the judges.

The Olympic Challenges:

Each Olympic ring will represent a challenge based on each Team Blue value. Successfully completing the tasks of each challenge will award points to each team.

The top 3 teams will have the chance to earn 10 points for the gold medal, 5 points for the silver medal, and 3 points for the bronze medal, which will be added to their final score to win the grand SEU final competition.

The rings and their values are as follows:

·       Blue Ring: Rhythm and Momentum

·       Black Ring: Trustworthy Collaboration

·       Red Ring: Respect

·       Yellow Ring: Customer First

·       Green Ring: Openness

Duration of the Challenges:

Each challenge will last one week, giving teams ample time for thorough and creative completion. New challenges will be announced every Monday morning by the Olympic judges via email or Slack (channel: seu-team-okr).



Challenge results must be sent to olympics@seuokr.blue by 11:00 am (10:00 am in Portugal) on the Monday following the start of the challenge. Be sure to include your team name and the names of all team members who actively participated in the result (including team members on vacation). The first team to submit the challenge will earn 1 additional point.

Challenge Schedule:

1st Challenge: Begins Tuesday, June 25 and ends Monday, July 1 at 11:00 am (10:00 am Portugal)

2nd Challenge: Begins Monday, July 1 and ends Monday, July 8 at 11:00 am (10:00 am Portugal)

3rd Challenge: Begins Monday, July 8 and ends Monday, July 15 at 11:00 am (10:00 am Portugal)

4th Challenge: Begins Monday, July 15 and ends Monday, July 22 at 11:00 am (10:00 am Portugal)

5th Challenge: Begins Monday, July 22 and ends Monday, July 29 at 11:00 am (10:00 am Portugal)


The judges will be the SEU Champions: Adrian Perez, Siham Rais, Gianfranco Petrocino, Veronica Marreiros, and Katalina Zubieta. They will evaluate the results of each challenge based on the following criteria: Creativity, Originality, Representation of Team Blue Values, Team Collaboration, and Quality of Presentation.


Each challenge will have different tasks to complete, with each team able to earn 1 point per task. Additionally, you can earn 1 extra point for:

·       Creating the team logo or mascot

·       Creating the team chant or slogan


May your efforts reflect the excellence of the Olympic spirit, and may your teamwork and creativity shine in each challenge. Good luck to all, and may the best team win!

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