
What is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others. It involves putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. Empathy goes beyond just recognizing someone's emotions—it means truly connecting with them on a deeper level and responding in a supportive and compassionate way.

There are two key types of empathy:

Cognitive Empathy: This is the ability to understand how someone else is thinking and feeling. It helps us grasp their perspective and mental state.

Emotional Empathy: This is the ability to feel what another person is feeling. It’s when we emotionally resonate with someone else's experiences.

Empathy is crucial in building strong relationships, fostering teamwork, and creating a positive and supportive environment. It helps us communicate better, support one another, and create a culture of understanding and respect. By practicing empathy, we can create a workplace where everyone feels heard, valued, and connected.

How to Send and View Thank You Messages in the Moodmeter


Damien Silva Luz 126 10 points
Claudia Storani 91 8 points
Gabriel Linares Santonja 89 5 points
Jana Illa 68 3 points
Marta Col�s Chac�n 68 3 points
M�nica Perera Lorente 64 3 points
Irene Martina Cabo 61 3 points
Sandra Vale 53 3 points
Alicia Vaquero Parrilla 51 3 points
Eric Lopez Maestro 49 3 points
Laura Garcia Lor�s 46 1 point
Elena Borja 46 1 point
Renate Buttinger 46 1 point
Rub�n Pandolfi 45 1 point
Ana Castanho 44 1 point
Marta Callejo Navarro 42 1 point
Montserrat �lvarez 41 1 point
Pau Bret� L�pez 41 1 point
Amanda Schena 39 1 point
Rebeca Saavedra Diaz 38 1 point

Challenge score

Damien Silva Luz 126
Claudia Storani 91
Gabriel Linares Santonja 89
Jana Illa 68
Marta Col�s Chac�n 68
M�nica Perera Lorente 64
Irene Martina Cabo 61
Sandra Vale 53
Alicia Vaquero Parrilla 51
Eric Lopez Maestro 49
Laura Garcia Lor�s 46
Elena Borja 46
Renate Buttinger 46
Rub�n Pandolfi 45
Ana Castanho 44
Marta Callejo Navarro 42
Montserrat �lvarez 41
Pau Bret� L�pez 41
Amanda Schena 39
Rebeca Saavedra Diaz 38
Ambar Amelia Ceballos Pe�a 36
Jeh� Murillo 35
Montse Herrero 35
Alessandra De Juliis 34
Julia Vazquez Alvarez 34
Nuno Matias 32
Marc Bautista 32
Adriana Godinho 32
Paula Barbosa Barbosa 32
Giuseppina Pitta 31
Ana Carina Pe�a Espinosa 31
Veronica Marreiros 30
Rodrigo Soares 29
Elisa Consigli 29
Gabriele Picchiani 29
Anna Cardona Mu�oz 28
Victoria Diaz 28
Yoann Vuarier 28
Enrique Carrillo Vega 28
Simone Palumbo 27
Pamela Bonacina 27
�ngela C�ndido 26
Maria Hernandez Jimenez 26
Marlene Serrano 26
Mike Marzo 25
David Pastor Lopez 25
Victor Baches 25
Gianluca Carrara 24
Arturo Buscemi 24
Martina Mangili 24
S�nia Ferreira 24
Irene Pujol 24
Sofia Mazzoli 23
Aranzazu Fernandez Colomina 23
Monica Sorribas 23
Lucia Cazurro Baeza 22
Monica Moral 21
Silvia Nencioni 21
Susana Dias 21
Sil Mellado 20
Helena Alves 20
Hugo Barata 19
Davinia Enrich 19
Manuela Becerra Fuentes 19
Desiree Lopez Rodriguez 18
Victor Fernandez 18
Virginia Cardinale 18
Lorenzo Marello 18
Brett Lalonde 18
Alexandra Floro 18
Ricardo Paiva 18
Jean-Claude Pascal Kouane Kouassi 18
Carlos Cerqueira 17
Giorgio Fattori 17
Simona Verzeri 16
Fernando Albarracin Aguirre 16
Laura Giuseppina Romero Fratini 16
Liliana Louren�o 16
Filipa Custodio 16
Jeronimo Pernas Lopez 16
Roser Porta Sanfeliu 15
David Polo 15
Francesc Benavent Cusi 15
Shirley Laurent 15
Edgar Antonio 15
Silvia Mazzanti 15
Isabel �ngelo 15
Antonio Valerio Ferrero 15
Raffaello Secomandi 14
Nives Tade� 14
Sandra Serra Serra 14
Sandra Aguiar 14
Catarina Lobo 13
Alessandro Ceccotti 13
Barbara Lazzaroni 13
L�ccio Rocha 13
Tiago Silva 13
Berta Bernal Pujol 13
Claire Santos 12
Marta Perez Perez 12
Elisa Mart�nez 12
Susana Neves 12
Marlene Neves 12
Vincenzo Riccio 12
Santo Dario Ricciardi 12
Giorgia Brugali 12
Johnny Anastacio 12
Carla Costanzo 11
Alazne Lete Urrutia 11
Layla Errachidi 11
Francesco Bonacina 11
Ingrid Rodrigues 11
Elena Previtali 11
Jorge Fuentes Barra 10
Daniel Dekoker 10
Manale El Fanniche 10
Daniele Perego 10
Federica Propersi 10
Judith Navarro 10
Gon�alo Lopes 10
Marco Bogliotti 9
Monica Raccagni 9
Sofia Tiraboschi 9
Nuno Lucas 9
Cristina Marciali 9
St�phane Galette 9
S�nia Novais 8
Diogo Fernandes 8
Pamela Gritti 8
Helena Bassi 8
M�nica Al�as 8
Chiara Zanchi 7
Maria Cecilia Brancucci 7
Francesca Grillo 7
Clementine Balaya Gouraya 7
Sofia Rodrigues 7
Joana Moreira 7
Vanda Silva 7
Irene Pombas 7
Cristian Romano 7
Marianna Cortoni 7
Giuditta Giovanardi 7
Andreia Pereira 7
Tatiana Charraz 6
Denise Pes 6
Nicoletta Nespoli 6
Naima Zejli 6
Melanie Romand 6
Fabio Machado 6
Tiziana Rocca 6
Anusca Kirsch 6
Micol Tinelli 6
Crisalda Gon�alves 6
Thaiz Charra 6
Ana Grego 6
Gweydson Santana 6
Sara Rigoldi 5
Bruno Pombas 5
Sonia Vaz 5
Luisa Figueiredo 5
Andr� Madeira 5
Andr� Santos 5
Carina Afonso 5
Sonia Pereira 5
Ana Pires 4
Greta Belotti 4
Pedro Santos 4
Francesc Olaso 4
Nuno Vieira 4
Sergio Alegre 4
Rares Ardeleanu 4
Selena Quartanelli 4
Alexandre Cortega�a 4
Miguel Silva 4
Tatiana Matos 4
Grazielle Reis 3
Rui Gato 3
Fiammetta Franchi 3
Veronica Febbi 3
Ashti Bloch 3
Stanislao Cuzzocrea 3
Paulo Sousa 3
Claudia Tinaglia 3
Luis Navalho 3
Samira Naamane 3
N�dia Castanheira 3
Margarida Paulino 3
Roberto Albani 3
Geraldine Rossi 3
Michela Cortinovis 3
In�s Monteiro 3
Jo�o Leite 2
Bruno Candeias 2
F�bio Figueiredo 2
Leticia Pilar Rodriguez Menzer 2
Vanessa Lopes 2
Jos� Rodrigues 2
Dinis Mour�o 2
Jo�o Ribeiro 2
Pedro Picado 2
Maria Laura Lemmi 1
Pedro Lopes 1
Jo�o Lopes 1
Francesco Nozari 1
Elisa Cambi 1
Alessandro Mauri 1
Eva Rodr�guez Ramos 1
Immacolata Basile 1
Vitor Oliveira 1
Luis Bessa 1
Laura Bini 1
Maria Letizia Pieragnoli 1
Carla Gerardo 1
Giulia Arrighi 1
Rita Coutinho 1
Sim�o Leal 1


Country booster

The country that sends the most recognition messages the 24th of October will receive 1 bonus point for each participant from that country that day!

To ensure that every voice is heard and recognized, we’ve made an exciting update for Amen FR. Given that their team has only 17 members and the average for other countries is 73, we want to level the playing field. From this boost, acknowledgment sent from Amen FR will be counted as 4 points! 

Country Total Sent
Amen FR 41 x 4 = 164
team blue ES 126
Regiter IT 102
team blue PT 31

Empathy Boost Alert! 

All participants who send their first thank-you message on october 30 will earn 1 additional point!  This is the perfect opportunity to recognize the amazing contributions of your teammates and get rewarded for it.

Sender Extra point
Simona Verzeri 1
André Madeira 1
Marlene Serrano 1
Antonio Valerio Ferrero 1
Elena Previtali 1
Francesco Nozari 1
Hugo Barata 1
Nives Tade’ 1
Selena Quartanelli 1

Final Day of the Empathy Challenge! 

Send a gratitude message to teammates from different departments or brands, and for each person you thank, you’ll earn an extra point—limited to the first 20 thank-you messages! 

Rodrigo Soares 30
Ana Castanho 20
Pau Bret� L�pez 17
Susana Dias 13
Alicia Vaquero Parrilla 11
Marta Col�s Chac�n 9
Ambar Amelia Ceballos Pe�a 9
Ricardo Paiva 9
Anna Cardona Mu�oz 9
Enrique Carrillo Vega 9
Maria Katalina Zubieta 8
Damien Silva Luz 7
Irene Martina Cabo 7
Helena Bassi 7
Marta Callejo Navarro 6
Yoann Vuarier 6
Gabriel Linares Santonja 5
Catarina Lobo 5
Elena Borja 5
Laura Garcia Lor�s 5
Jeh� Murillo 5
Fernando Albarracin Aguirre 4
Shirley Laurent 4
Elisa Mart�nez 4
Montserrat �lvarez 4
S�nia Ferreira 4
L�ccio Rocha 4
Victor Fernandez 4
Montse Herrero 4
Eric Lopez Maestro 3
Marc Bautista 3
Thaiz Charra 3
Silvia Nencioni 3
Alazne Lete Urrutia 3
Aranzazu Fernandez Colomina 2
Liliana Lourencinho 2
Johnny Anastacio 2
Marlene Serrano 2
Virginia Cardinale 2
Gianfranco Petrosino 2
Rub�n Pandolfi 2
Claudia Storani 1
Davinia Enrich 1
Claire Santos 1
Sofia Rodrigues 1
Crisalda Gon�alves 1
St�phane Galette 1
Mike Marzo 1
M�nica Perera Lorente 1
Barbara Lazzaroni 1
In�s Monteiro 1
David Pastor Lopez 1
Victor Baches 1
Pamela Gritti 1
Vincenzo Riccio 1
Isabel �ngelo 1
Maria Hernandez Jimenez 1
Jana Illa 1
Judith Navarro 1

Empathy Challenge Rules


The goal of the challenge is to earn points by receiving meaningful, work-related recognition messages from your colleagues. This is a great opportunity to express gratitude for the efforts of others and build stronger connections across the company.


How It Works:

  • The more recognition you receive, the more points you earn.
  • Points are awarded based on who the recognition comes from:
  • Recognition from a colleague in a different country: 5 points
  • Recognition from a colleague in a different department within the same brand: 3 points
  • Recognition from a colleague in the same department:
  • If your department has more than 5 members: 1 point
  • If your department has fewer than 5 members: 2 points

Important Rules:

1.     Content Matters: Only work-related, meaningful recognitions will count. Personal messages, vague acknowledgments, or irrelevant comments will not be considered.

2.     One Person, One Acknowledgment: You can receive recognition from the same person multiple times, but it will only count as 1 acknowledgment from that individual.

3.     Use the Moodmeter: All recognition must be sent through the Moodmeter tool to ensure participation and accurate tracking.

4.     Recognition Should be Genuine: Take the time to express thoughtful and specific appreciation related to your colleague’s work efforts. Vague or insincere messages will be disqualified.


Global Challenge Ranking & Points Distribution:

We want to keep the competition fun and fair, so here’s how points will be distributed:

  • 1st place: 10 points
  • 2nd place: 8 points
  • 3rd place: 5 points
  • 4th to 10th place: 3 points
  • 11th to 20th place: 1 point

This point system ensures that everyone has a chance to stay motivated and engaged throughout the challenge!


Tie-Breaking Rules:

In this case, all winners will receive a prize; a tiebreaker will not be necessary.


Bonus Points & Special Days:

During the competition, we will announce special opportunities to earn extra points! Keep an eye on Slack for these exciting updates!


Regular Updates & Motivation:

We will regularly post updates in Slack to inform you about the current standings, highlight beautiful recognition messages, and share videos and tips on how to express gratitude and empathy. We encourage everyone to stay active and engaged!


Game Dates:

The challenge will run from October 21st to October 31st, so start spreading the gratitude and watch your points soar!


Let’s make the SEU Empathy Challenge a fun, meaningful experience that helps us all grow closer as a team. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

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