19/02/2024 to 18/03/2024.
The objective of the contest was to sell the highest number of Iubendas possible, taking advantage of the new cookie policy requirements from Google.
The company that baked the most cookies was the winner of the prestigious title "The Best Cookies in SEU" and the top seller of Iubendas in Southern Europe.
All orders for Iubenda packs accepted by the customer will be considered, and it is not necessary for them to be invoiced.
25/06/2024 to 26/07/2024
The central focus of the SEU Olympics was built around the five core values of Team Blue, which seamlessly corresponded with the five Olympic rings:
Blue Ring: Pace and momentum
Black Ring: Trusted Collaboration
Red Ring: Respect
Yellow Ring: Customer First
Green Ring: Openness
The challenges were created to allow participants to experiment with different forms of representation and expression of their proposals, using both conventional tools and exploring artificial intelligence.
The goal was to live and internalize these values, strengthen teamwork, and explore new ways to present the ideas, using both traditional tools and artificial intelligence.
21/10/2024 to 31/10/2024
The goal of the challenge is to earn points by receiving meaningful, work-related recognition messages from your colleagues. This is a great opportunity to express gratitude for the efforts of others and build stronger connections across the company.
The more recognition you receive, the more points you earn.
Points are awarded based on who the recognition comes from:
Recognition from a colleague in a different country: 5 points
Recognition from a colleague in a different department within the same brand: 3 points
Recognition from a colleague in the same department:
If your department has more than 5 members: 1 point
If your department has fewer than 5 members: 2 points
18/11/2024 to 29/11/2024
Our mission is clear: for each House to exceed the daily revenues (sales and renewals) achieved last year. Demonstrate your loyalty, dedication, and strategic mastery to surpass the benchmarks set in the past. Your journey to the throne will be paved with collaborative victories, friendly skirmishes, and key weapons to help your House reach new heights.
🔥 The Path to Victory: Scoring System
1. Daily Triumphs: Each day that your House exceeds last year’s daily revenues, you’ll earn 1 victory point.
2. Monthly Feats of Strength:
By the end of the contest, Houses that have exceeded their cumulative daily revenues from last year will earn an extra 5 points for their honor.
The House that exceeds its sales and renewals by the largest margin will receive an additional 3 points as tribute.
3. Ranking Updates: Points will be tracked daily, so each House can see who leads and prepare their next move to claim the top position.
All rights reserved / team blue